Adequate Tools For Web Development

The phases of a web development, as well as the programming languages used, are very extensive and varied, and therefore we need specific tools for each of them.

In web development we have some tools for design, others for layout, others for programming, and for debugging. All the tools we use are very important, from the Operating System to the most insignificant command, and that is why we must choose the one that best suits our needs and capabilities.

Operating System

To develop a website, the first thing we need is an Operating System, as is logical, and your choice is not so trivial. We must take into account the applications that have the Operating System and its costs.

Another feature to take into account is the facilities that the Operating System provides to the developer, and in this sense GNU/Linux is taken from street to Windows. And this is because Windows was not designed for developers, but for people who do not have much knowledge about computing.

And on the contrary GNU/Linux was created by developers, and for developers, and therefore in GNU/Linux we can find many tools that will make our lives much easier, which are also free.

Phases of web development

To choose the tools to use, we must first know basic things about them.

  • Design - the design consists of creating sketches of the final web using a graphic tool, such as Photoshop, GIMP or Inkscape.
  • HTML/CSS layout - the layout consists of converting the sketches created in the previous phase into HTML templates, their respective stylesheet, and the images used.
  • Client programming - the client programming basically consists of Javascript. A website may not need to do client programming, such as a small corporate website with little static information, or it may require enormous efforts in this phase, as is the case with Web 2.0 projects.
  • Server programming - in this phase, which is developed together with the previous one, we will create the web application in a server language, such as PHP, ASP.NET, Python.
  • Tests in local - in our local server we will do all the possible tests.
  • Upload files to the hosting - Once our website is completed and well tested on our local server, we will upload it to the server of the chosen hosting (production). Depending on the hosting, we can use FTP, SFTP (SSH), WebDAV.
  • Hosting tests - we will carry out the last tests on the server of the hosting to verify that the change of server has not affected anything. To avoid problems, our local server must have exactly the same configuration as the hosting server.

There are many tricks and tools that you can use in web development, and these are just some of the basic ones. If you want to know more about them, visit Stoplight.


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