What Games & Apps To Play On A Road Trip

Does anyone like long road trips? I don’t know – it’s a tough one to answer. Sometimes the scenery is brilliant and awe inspiring, but that kind of only applies when you’re in an awe inspiring location. In England for instance, when driving long distances, you’re mostly going to be faced with brown fields (with an odd tint of green), cows, sheep, bad smells and plenty of tractors. Or buses, and definitely mile after mile of grey motorway with potentially infuriating drivers, and if you’re REALLY unlucky, infuriating passengers too. So what’s the score? How do we deal with these inevitable journeys in a fun and engaging way that passes the time with joy rather than tears? Try these ideas…


Bingo Games

Free casino apps are awesome, and this is in no small part due to its accessibility and the fact you can customise it to fit almost any situation or circumstance. Simply Google and find some bingo websites and start playing free games on your mobile phone, laptop or iPad. Remember, you don’t need to spend a penny, these casino games offer free play.


Sleep Snapping

This one’s absolutely fantastic. Seriously, you’ve got to try it – we all know by now that when travelling long distances, one member of the party is going to fall asleep and open themselves up to all manner of interruption and obtrusion externally, and if they’re really unlucky, internally too.  It is your responsibility to ensure that when said party members succumbs to their short term slumber, you use the time as wisely as possible and take a picture of them in the perfect position so that you can then head into your Instagram photo editor and turn what would be a seemingly normal image into a distorted take on reality, much to the embarrassment of the victim. The extent of your mockery depends entirely on the niceness of the victim in question and is in no way your fault.


I Spy

I Spy isn’t boring. Honestly, we all remember playing this game as a kid, but we think we’re past it – that is until we totally re invent it and distort it with our own unique brand of humour and creativity. Essentially, much like bingo you can customise I spy to revolve around any subject you choose, therefore it makes the perfect car journey game because of it’s endless subject matters that rely entirely on your mind and your interpretation of the world – give it a try and don’t think for one minute that you’re too old to enjoy it! Not true at all.



The favourite past time of many a traveller, the game of nagging relies on either wholly accidental or entirely purposeful winding up of the unfortunate individual nominated to ferry an untold amount of passengers to their chosen destination in safety and tranquillity. Well, the safety aspect should be a given, but the tranquillity is down to you! Between you and a valued team mate, see how many times you can ask how long it will take to reach your chosen destination before the poor victim at the helm of the vehicle loses their cool and beings to show signs of redness in the face and lack of limb control as their fist creeps ever closes towards your face…not to the point of danger of course. Just mild irritation, which lets face it, is somewhat amusing.

These are just a few simple games you can play whilst on the road, and some of them are proof that pre packaged product aren’t always the answer – fun doesn’t have to cost a lot of money, and you can make car journeys brilliant with the simplest of ingredients.

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