News From Our Sister Site: Komplicated, October 7-October 14 [In Case You Missed It ...]


Geekweek is the cornerstone of a network of websites providing content from a multiplicity of perspectives and serving a plethora of audiences. We're going to provide you with a quick summary of the highlights from one of our sister sites. Here's the latest from ...

Occupy Blackstreet

WHAT IS KOMPLICATED? [Twitter/Facebook]is a site aimed at taking stock of the Black geek perspective, "doing it for the block and the blogosphere," covering areas of music, technology, culture and escapism. Top stories for the week of October 7-October 14, 2011 include (but are not limited to) ...

Did we mention syndicated web comics every weekday? #thenewblack ...

Komplicated updates at least three times per day, every day and appears weekly on the web radio show Sunday Morning Live.



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