New Girl Talk Album "ALL DAY" Available For Free Download Now


It was 2 years ago when TIME magazine called Girl Talk's last effort, FEED THE ANIMALS, one of the 10 best albums of 2008.  The popular mash-up artist announced on his Facebook page today that he's back with another post-modern take on the language of music with a brand new album called ALL DAY that is available now for download.  ALL DAY showcases the evolution of Girl Talk's digital samplings, blending seamlessly everything from John Lennon, Lady Gaga, Young MC, The Doors, Kylie Minogue, Jay-Z, The Rolling Stones (to name just a few) through longer mixes, thumping beats, more complex mash-ups, and smoother transitions that takes the listener through the peaks and valleys of pop culture itself.   ALL DAY is Girl Talk's most mature production to date, highlighting him not only as our greatest sampler, but also one of our greatest musical storytellers who is able to spin a grand epic tale from a million different songs.

Get your groove on and DOWNLOAD "ALL DAY" FOR FREE HERE!

Update: the above link is being hammered with traffic!  Here's an alternate link to download from!

Mike Le is a writer/producer living in Los Angeles.  You can follow him on Twitter.

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